Monday 27 July 2015

Spring 2015

Spring 2015 brings me to the next series of pictures. Clarity in creek is 0 (4' deep) and lakefront is 0 (2' deep). Strong silt presence as well a red/brown color. So much so it formed a mud line out into the lake flowing east. I walked up to one of the sources and was able to take some shots and a short video showing sediment entering the creek. Prevailing winds here are W/NW so it carried this material east along the shoreline which bring us to McRae Beach Association.

Facing west from bridge

From beach association park where erosion is taking place
This is from another bridge closer to mouth of creek
Looking south from bridge near mouth
Looking north to mouth of creek
From bridge facing east and show mud clearly
This one of 2 areas cut into bank of creek to drain.
Clearly shows sediment entering the creek.
In the foreground is the side of park being eroded.
Closer look to above picture
A short movie
Below is the link on youtube

A concerned resident at McRae Beach contacted me and asked is this situation is from our creek. I said I am sorry but yes it is and explained the source with pictures and the video. These residents are quite concerned as we all are about the color and the increased water flow to the creek. Not only a heavy sediment, phosphorous but years of material from bad septics laying on bottom of creek now being flushed out to the lake with the increased waterflow. These residents get their drinking water from the lake and have health concerns pumping in this water. The increased waterflow is actually creating an erosion problem along creek shoreline. One of Islandview Beach's Parks is being impacted with shoreline loss as well many bushes and trees now have roots exposed which tells me where some of the sediment is coming from as well, not all but some.

The authorities were contacted again last month and they sent out a representative right away and he did have his concerns upon seeing it as well. We are waiting for feedback from them and we were advised to file a complaint with MNR + MOE which both have been filed. Waiting for feedback from both of them as well.

Today now that I have this blog I thought I would take pictures of our vollyball area. I don't think this sediment, phosphorus what ever else was on creek bed created the weeds but it does show they are thriving on it. Islandview Beach Association contacted a weed harvester to quote removing this problem but he stated fix the source don't do a bandaid fix. This harvester is the one Georgina Township used for Cooks By as well.

Our vollyball beach

I will try to update blog with any more pictures and or info as received.

Early 2014

2014 rolls around and same issues but not with same slushy consistency more so a brown reddish color with as ton of silt entering the lake. 
This issue was a hot topic at all Islandview Beach Association meetings but all frustrated as no one knew where to turn. Lakefront homeowners are upset as it seems the weeds in the lake are thriving on this run off. Some cannot even venture into the water as weeds so thick. High taxes are being paid to live on the water and enjoy it but that pleasure has been reduced.
My neighbor purchased a new jet drive seadoo boat in 2010 when he moved up here and also installed a volley ball net in the water. As everyone knows a jet drive and weeds don't get along. I don't think he would have spent close to 50K if the growth was like this 5 years ago? Both of our families had many endless hours of enjoyment with our beachfront. Now I have grandkids and I would love to have them swim out front but cannot so we have to go to a beach area vs our waterfront. It's truly a shame.

The above 4 pictures show the weed growth on the east side of creek mouth

Late 2014/Early2015 the ice on creek was a darkish brown color which was odd and had a closer look it showed creek was frozen to ground but water flowing on top of ice was more run off from the thaw, same source.

The Start...

I thought I should create one central source for information and pictures as this situation is impacting 2 residential beach communities. Both McRae Beach Association and Islandview Beach Association have concerns and are trying to rectify it.

It was mid August 2013 when I first noticed a problem with Bernie' Creek. Driving over one of the bridges early one morning I noticed the condition of the creek. Water had the consistency of a slushy as it was saturated with liquid mud. In all my years here I have never seen these conditions so immediately stopped and took some pictures which are shown below. Once I got to the city I called the proper authorities and issued a concern. My understanding is the authority did come out and pay a visit to the parties who created  this issue. To this day I have no reply on that complaint. 
Later the same year I brought the issue up with the Town of Georgina and it was suggested I talk to Fisheries. The creek is a fish habitat and they should be notified about possible ramifications. Well I did contact and was told they would investigate. Nope no feedback yet.
What amazes me is the lack of concern for the lake, the wildlife, the people who live on this creek and the lakefront home owners.
One of 2 areas allowing drainage into creek

Size of culverts put in
This picture was taken facing east from bridge as mentioned above at 7am
This picture was taken facing east from bridge as mentioned above at 7am
This picture was taken facing west from bridge as mentioned above at 7am
Arrived back home at 3pm and mud line clearly visible out into lake

This is facing NW and note mud line flowing out and east with prevailing winds